Cikaflogo Natural Mouth Healing Ointment
- Unterstützt die natürliche Heilung von Zahnfleisch, Mundschleimhaut und mehr
- Gegen Druckstellen, Aphthen, Herpes, Entzündungen usw.
- Mit Hyaluron, Aloe Vera und vielen anderen Wirkstoffen aus der Natur
- Entzündungshemmend und schmerzlindernd
- Auch in Ihrer Apotheke erhältlich
Cikaflogo for mouth sores and more
Cikaflogo gel cream contains numerous selected active ingredients from nature that can gently but effectively relieve pain and inflammation of the oral mucosa. Cikaflogo can be used safely for numerous problems in the mouth, such as aphthae, inflammation of the mucous membranes, stomatitis, receding gums, bacterial inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), complaints after professional tartar removal, pressure sores or inflammation caused by poorly fitting orthodontic products or artificial dentures. Although Citaflogo was developed as a mouth-healing ointment, its well-thought-out composition has also proven effective for sunburn, mosquito bites, herpes and small wounds. This makes Cikaflogo a real all-rounder that you should always have in your house.
Gentle healing ointment with combined plant power
Cikaflogo consists of high-quality plants and other selected ingredients, which, in their unique interaction, can achieve a high, local effect - without any side effects or contraindications:
The most important building block of the oral ointment is hyaluronic acid, which occurs naturally in the human body. Hyaluronic acid is considered a “radical scavenger” and is said to support blood circulation, tissue regeneration and scar-free skin renewal when the gel cream is used.
In addition, the healing ointment Cikaflogo contains many valuable plant substances: Aloe vera is traditionally used to anti-inflammatory, tissue-regenerating and promote microcirculation, tea tree oil is antioxidant and antibacterial, Mediterranean cypress is astringent and vascular protective, fenugreek is pain-relieving and emollient, tiger grass is anti-edematous and promotes wound healing, thyme is disinfectant, bactericidal and fungicidal .
Antioxidant coenzyme Q10, hemostatic vitamin K, pain-relieving and wound healing-promoting allantoin and an antioxidant vitamin E variant round off the well-thought-out formulation of the oral healing ointment. This sophisticated combination of unique natural active ingredients is what makes Ckaflogo so recommended.
Effectiveness of Cikaflogo tested in study
Based on research from the Dental Clinic at the State University of Milan-Bicoca, the effectiveness of Cikaflogo on oral soft tissue wound healing was verified. Among other things, patients with oral mucosal diseases were examined. After just one week, 80% of the test subjects experienced complete wound healing and the remaining 20% mostly experienced a significant improvement in symptoms. By the third day of treatment with Cikaflogo at the latest, the majority of test subjects were pain-free. The oral ointment also showed very good results in the study for other problems in the mouth. (Source: Oral Surgery Journal Special Print Issue 1/05) It's no wonder that Cikaflogo is also recommended by dentists.
Oral healing ointment suitable for children and adults
Cikaflogo has a pleasant taste, does not burn the mouth and is so mild that the healing ointment can be used not only by adults but also by children. To do this, the Cikaflogo gel cream is applied as a thin layer to the appropriate areas in the mouth or on the skin three to four times a day as needed.
After application in the mouth, you should avoid contact with the tongue for at least two minutes so that the high-quality gel can form a protective film and develop its full effect. Afterwards, it's best not to eat or drink anything for an hour, then you can enjoy your life again without any worries.
The 10 advantages of Cikaflogo at a glance
- Cikaflogo harnesses the power of nature.
- The healing ointment contains, among other things, hyaluronic acid, aloe vera and tea tree oil.
- The well-thought-out formula can support natural wound healing.
- Cikaflogo can be used for many problems in the mouth - from canker sores to inflammation of the gums.
- The gel cream can also be used for herpes, sunburn, mosquito bites and small wounds.
- Cikaflogo has a mild taste and does not burn your mouth.
- It can be used by adults and children.
- The pain relief means you can quickly eat and drink again.
- The effect was tested in a scientific study.
- Cikaflogo is a real all-rounder that no household should be without.
For the whole family
I have had herpes since I was a child.
Since I started using Cikaflogo, herpes is no longer a problem.
Aphthous ulcers
Canker sores plague me almost every month. Now I can eat and drink normally again because the canker sores disappear quickly thanks to Cikaflogo.
Pressure points in the mouth
The prostheses are no longer a problem because Cikaflogo heals small wounds and pressure points.
Inflammations in the mouth
Cikaflogo helps me with inflammation and gingivitis (bacterially caused inflammation of the marginal gums) . Thanks to Cikaflogo, I can now eat and enjoy everything again.

- Hyaluronsäure
- Aloe barbadensis (Aloe Vera)
- Coenzim Q10 (Ubichinon)
- Melaleuca alternifolia (Teebaumöl)
- Vitamin K (Phytonadion)
- Thymol (Thimus vulgaris)
- Centella asiatica
- Allantoin
- Tocopherolacetat
- Cupressus sempervirens (Mittelmeer-Zypresse)
- Trigonella foenum graecum (Bockshornklee)
- Geweberegeneration, narbenfreie Hauterneuerung, „Radikalfänger“, durchblutungsfördernd
- Entzündungshemmend, geweberegenerierend mikrozirkulationsfördernd
- Antioxidativ
- Antioxidativ, antibakteriell
- Blutstillend
- Desinfizierend, bakterizid, fungizid
- Antiödematös, fördert die Wundheilung
- Schmerzlindernd, fördert die Wundheilung
- Antioxidativ
- Adstringierend, gefäßschützend
- Schmerzlindernd, erweichend