Tips for dealing properly with “third parties”

Tips for dealing properly with the third parties

The new set of teeth is in place and you can finally show off your teeth again - that's the well-deserved reward for the long sessions at the dentist. Functional and optical masterpieces ensure that the “third teeth” hardly differ from natural teeth. To ensure that the regained quality of life lasts as long as possible, the new teethers should be given special attention and care.

A denture brush removes leftover food and deposits under running water and thus prevents bacteria from settling. However, foul-smelling putrefactive bacteria not only form on inadequately cleaned teeth and dentures but also on the tongue and especially in the back area. The additional use of a suitable tongue cleaner can also reduce bad breath by up to 75 percent. If there are signs of plaque formation on the denture, quick-acting cleaning tablets are best.

Shrinkage of the jawbone

Unfortunately, the joy of having the perfect dentures is sooner or later spoiled because at some point every denture begins to wobble. The reason for this is the slow but steady shrinkage of the toothless jawbone. The profile of the prosthesis no longer matches, the dentures press and more and more food remains get under the prosthesis, which can lead to inflammation. At some point, adhesives no longer help and a new adjustment by the dentist is unavoidable. If you want to delay this procedure at the dentist, you can purchase products that reline the prosthesis from the pharmacy. However, the following still applies: Visit the dentist twice a year - only he can notice any changes.