Dr. Russ anti-snoring splint
- Effectively relieves snoring noises
- Individual adaptation to the tooth shape
- Continuously adjustable
- Extra slim for a comfortable fit
- Developed by dentists
Die Vorteile der Dr. Russ Schnarchschiene
Besonders komfortabel
Die Dr. Russ Anti-Schnarchschiene ist besonders schmal und damit unübertroffen komfortabel. Ein integrierter Mikro-Verstellmechanismus nimmt im Mund keinen extra Platz weg. Das macht sie zur bequemsten und effizientesten Wahl gegen Schnarchen. Ideal für alle, die Komfort nicht gegen Wirksamkeit tauschen wollen.
Stufenlos einstellbar
Sie lässt sich millimetergenau und stufenlos einstellen, um den Kiefervorschub genau an Ihre Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Diese Präzision ist entscheidend, denn der Vorschub öffnet die Atemwege und sorgt für ruhigen Schlaf.
Individuell anpassbar
Mit der Boil & Bite Technologie passt sich die Schiene schnell und präzise an die Zähne an. Einfach kurz in heißem Wasser erwärmen und auf die Schiene beißen – schon nimmt die Schiene die exakte Form Ihrer Zähne an.
Zweiteiliges Design
Das zweiteilige Design vereint Technologie und Komfort. Eine Spezialkupplung verbindet die obere und die untere Zahnreihe, so bietet die Schiene eine volle seitliche Kieferbewegung.
Qualität und Sicherheit
Jede Schiene wird in Italien hergestellt und erfüllt höchste Qualitätsstandards. Selbstverständlich ist sie BPA-frei, um Ihre Gesundheit nicht zu gefährden und Ihnen sorglose Nächte zu garantieren.
Von Zahnärzten entwickelt
Hinter der Dr. Russ Anti-Schnarchschiene steht das Know-how von Zahnärzten – Experten, die genau wissen, wie wichtig eine gute Passform und Funktion für den Tragekomfort ist.
Why do you snore?
When we sleep, our neck and jaw muscles relax. This can result in the upper airways becoming partially closed and the passage through which the air flows into the lungs becoming narrower. This narrowing causes the air in the throat to vibrate, causing the familiar snoring sound.
How does the snoring guard work?

The Dr. Russ rail impresses with its slim construction and unsurpassed comfort. While many conventional rails rely on external adjustment mechanisms that make them wider, the Dr. Russ guard has an integrated micro-adjustment mechanism that does not take up any additional space in the mouth. This makes them the most efficient choice against snoring without compromising comfort.

Every person and every jaw is unique. That's why the rail can be adjusted with millimeter precision and continuously. This enables the jaw to advance optimally. It's not just about keeping the airways clear, but also about leaving the jaw in a natural position. The result? A comfortable fit without muscle tension or unwanted strain while sleeping.

The guard is made of a thermoplastic material that becomes soft when heated and can be precisely adapted to the shape of the teeth. After the guard has been briefly warmed in hot water, you can insert the guard and bite down, which means that it adapts perfectly to the individual tooth structure. After cooling, the guard retains this shape.

The Dr. Russ anti-snoring splint offers maximum freedom of movement of the jaw thanks to its special coupling that connects the upper and lower splints. While conventional models often lie rigidly in the mouth, they allow lateral jaw movements. This ensures noticeably increased comfort and allows you to sleep undisturbed.

The Dr. Russ rail impresses with its slim construction and unsurpassed comfort. While many conventional rails rely on external adjustment mechanisms that make them wider, the Dr. Russ guard has an integrated micro-adjustment mechanism that does not take up any additional space in the mouth. This makes them the most efficient choice against snoring without compromising comfort.

Every person and every jaw is unique. That's why the rail can be adjusted with millimeter precision and continuously. This enables the jaw to advance optimally. It's not just about keeping the airways clear, but also about leaving the jaw in a natural position. The result? A comfortable fit without muscle tension or unwanted strain while sleeping.

The guard is made of a thermoplastic material that becomes soft when heated and can be precisely adapted to the shape of the teeth. After the guard has been briefly warmed in hot water, you can insert the guard and bite down, which means that it adapts perfectly to the individual tooth structure. After cooling, the guard retains this shape.

The Dr. Russ anti-snoring splint offers maximum freedom of movement of the jaw thanks to its special coupling that connects the upper and lower splints. While conventional models often lie rigidly in the mouth, they allow lateral jaw movements. This ensures noticeably increased comfort and allows you to sleep undisturbed.
Developed & recommended by doctors
The Dr. Russ snoring splint was designed by doctors specifically for snoring treatment. This is why it is also suitable for mild to moderate sleep apnea. Even sleep apnea sufferers can temporarily replace their CPAP machine with a snoring splint when traveling after consulting a doctor. As a bonus, the splint also protects against bruxism. Thanks to the individual adjustment, an optimal fit is guaranteed. The only requirements are problem-free nasal breathing and practically complete rows of teeth.

Instructions: Adjust the snoring splint

frequently asked Questions
When we sleep, our neck and jaw muscles relax. This can result in the upper airways becoming partially closed and the passage through which the air flows into the lungs becoming narrower. This narrowing causes the air in the throat to vibrate, causing the familiar snoring sound. Snoring can be caused by other factors, such as a special shape of the nose or jaw, obesity, pregnancy, sleeping on your back and others.
The best results are achieved when the rail is adjusted as much as possible. This is done with the included screwdriver, which offers millimeter-precise adjustment options. The adjustment is usually done gradually over several days and weeks so that the jaw can get used to it. As soon as the splint is perfectly adjusted for your jaw, the splint shows its full effect.
The way the splint works is based on the principle of moving the lower jaw forward and thus the root of the tongue. It consists of two parts: a lower and an upper anti-snoring rail. The two rails are connected using a type of special coupling that has a screwdriver. Due to the two-part design and an enlarged opening in the lower part of the splint, the mouth can be closed and the jaw can be moved forward. The lateral jaw movements are not restricted, which makes the splint particularly comfortable.
The anti-snoring splint is individually adjusted to your teeth and jaw in just a few minutes using the proven boil-and-bite method. With the ability to customize, only one size fits all.
Yes, the adjustment is possible with millimeter precision. After using the snoring stop splint, you should relax your jaw by keeping your lips half-open and making sure that the upper and lower dental arches do not touch each other. This jaw position is called the resting position. Memorize this position well so that you can repeat it after each use of the Dr. Russ snoring stop splint to be able to repeat. If the jaw does not return to its resting position after using the splint, turn the front screw clockwise with the screwdriver (jaw forward) until the resting position is achieved.
The Dr. Russ snoring stop splint requires some patience, especially in the first few days of getting used to it. Since this is an intraoral device, similar to a brace for children, a certain amount of time will be required to get used to it. To get used to it slowly and to normalize saliva production, Dr. Russ snoring stop splint can initially be worn for a few hours during the day, for example while watching TV. After a short time, wearing the anti-snoring splint will become a habit and will allow you to sleep comfortably. If the rail causes problems or is annoying, you can move it backwards by turning the front screw counterclockwise. Even if it fits well, it will usually take you a week to get used to the splint and wear it throughout the night.
The anti-snoring splint will last for many years when used properly and with regular cleaning and care. When not in use, the anti-snoring splint should be placed in the protective container provided and not stored in the immediate vicinity of heat sources. For hygiene reasons, however, it is best to replace the rail from time to time.
The Dr. Russ snoring splint can be readjusted several times until it fits correctly and comfortably. Because possible changes to the geometry of the dental arch could require the snoring stop splint to be adjusted again, you should not throw away the adjustment key. The forming process can then be repeated.
If the snoring stop splint does not fit perfectly, you can repeat the adjustment. After using the anti-snoring mouthpiece, you should relax your jaw by keeping your lips half-open and making sure that the upper and lower dental arches do not touch each other. This jaw position is called the resting position. If the jaw is damaged after using the Dr. If the snoring stop rail does not reach the rest position, you must turn the front screw clockwise with the screwdriver (jaw forward) until the rest position is achieved.
For thorough hygiene, you should separate the bottom and top rails daily and clean them thoroughly with a soft toothbrush and regular toothpaste. To avoid staining, special denture cleaning products can also be used. This means your snoring mouthpiece stays hygienically fresh and ready for use for a long time.